Thomas: Writing Strengths Dylan: Hits and Misses
This school year, along with English I is coming to an end. As I reflect on what went well and what went not so well, I come to conclusion with what I can put forth next year. We completed multiple assignments, such as personal narratives, literary analysis, research paper, and poetry. In these assignments, I have achieved both success and failures. I feel successful in my blog posts because I always spend time perfecting them and use them to become a better writer. Also, the personal narrative and research paper were my stronger assignments. We had lots of time to perfect these and get help. I took advantage of this and used this time to work on my writing skills. I struggled with the poetry section and literary analysis. The poetry section was difficult for me because of all the different applications and variety it required. I work better with set, given instructions, so to be able to choose from ten different poetry styles was hard because I ...