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What were your favorite characters childhood shows and characters?

      My favorite childhood show was Hannah Montana hands down. My sister and I would sit on the couch and watch it for hours. As my 6 year old self, I thought it was so cool that Hannah had two identities, the other being Miley. Also, she was a teenage pop-star. She became famous all around the world at such a young age. Her costumes and outfits were so over the top and awesome; I always looked forward to her new "concert outfit". It was so unbelievably cool to me that Miley Cyrus started acting at such a young age and was a part of a TV show all girls looked up to.
      My obsession with this show led me to my obsession with Hannah Montana. I thought of her as an awesome person and aspiring singer in this show. Now, of course I don't really know much about her because she isn't as public, but I think it would be so cool if she made a re-run. Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus inspired me as a kid and i still wish it was running.


  1. I loved Hannah Montana too. That was one of my favorite shows when I was that age. I wish they would keep running it too.

  2. Hannah Montana was my favorite show as a kid too. I always loved all her songs and I was so sad when it ended, even though by that time I wasn't watching it as much, it was just such a huge part of my childhood, I was sad to see it go. Good post!


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