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        This summer when I was at camp in Washington I went kayaking in the San Juan Islands. On the last day, there was a huge channel we had to cross. It was 6 miles long. On the channel, there were ferries, boats, and sailboats all crossing. Also, it was the most popular time of year for boats. To top it off, it was about to rain so the currents were even stronger. Aside from the currents and traffic, the water was crystal blue and the wind was blowing off the chilly water so the weather was perfect.
       My group and I started on shore on the other side of our destination. We took a long break and then decided to cross the channel. The kayaking guides instructed us where to point our kayaks to break the currents. Once we started the adrenaline kicked in and we started to paddle through. At points, it felt as if we were getting pulled backwards but we kept having to paddle strongly. The best feeling was when we made it back to the harbor and everyone felt so accomplished because although it was super tough, it was very awesome.


  1. Hey Julia! Your kayaking story sounds so impressive and tough. The Washington and Oregon Moondance trip seems like a blast. Which trip are you thinking of doing this summer??

  2. Dang Julia you must me strong. This was a great summer experience to read about. Also, you did a good job using descriptive details.


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