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Reading Response: Harrison Bergeron

         Harrison Bergeron was a very interesting short story. After reading it, I really had to process what was going on because of all the different action happening. The story is set in 2081, where everyone is equal. There is not one person who is better than another. Everyone becomes "normal" which normal in Harrison Bergeron is being mentally slow and ignorant. If you are pretty, you have to walk around with a mask on, shave your eyebrows, and have a clown nose. If you are physically advanced, you have to walk around with a vest made of heavy lead.
         Harrison Bergeron falls under the genre of dystopia. It is set in the future and is based around a crazy government who wants all of their citizens to be the exact same. The idea of dystopia brought up many questions about the story for me. A level one question is what is the relationship between Harrison and the other characters? Some level two questions are what is the point of making everyone equal and how does the government make everyone equal? Finally, a level three question is what is the purpose of equality?


  1. I thought this story was weird too. I mean, Harrison and his empress were touching the ceiling as they were dancing. Then all of a sudden, he dies. What a cheap ending. What do you think equality is? I think equality is not being necessarily "equal" like mentally and physically (like in this story), but having equal rights in society and things like that, you know. I just don't think it's really fair for someone to have to become "dumber" because of their high intelligence.


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