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Snow Day Free Post

     I was very excited for the MLK three-day weekend after being back for a week from Christmas break. I could not wait to sleep in and hang out with friends. For the three-day weekend, two of my friends from camp came in to visit. One of them is from Mississippi and the other is from Dallas, so we don't get the chance to see each other often. We spent the first day in Baton Rouge and hung out here; then the next two days we went to New Orleans. New Orleans was so much fun because neither of them had been before, so it was interesting to show them around and eat and shop.
    Then, I was so happy when school got cancelled for two days because of the snow. It was awesome to have two extra days of break. Although I spent most of it doing ECLs, I made time to rest and hang out with friends. Overall, this break was super fun and well-needed.


  1. Yeah, I also spent the majority of the snow days doing ECLs. You're so lucky you got to see your camp friends! I bet that was so fun :)

  2. This sounds like a great weekend! I'm glad you found time to hang out with friends after the burden of emergency closure lessons.

  3. It sounds like you had a lot of fun over the weekend. I am glad you got to spend lots of time with friends!


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