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Purple Hibiscus

      In Purple Hibiscus, I am focusing on socio-economic problems in Nigeria and the similarities and differences to American life. These problems are evident through Kambili's personal family life, extended family, and in her school. Kambili lives a very privileged life compared to other Nigerians. This is a great thing because she has a home and attends an elite school, but her family life and their wealth puts a burden on her. The other girls at school judge her. Kambili doesn't get the chance to make friends and be social because of her intimidating and controlling dad. I believe that these problems are caused by her dad who is controlled by wealth, therefore controls others.
      Another analysis I have made in this book is the author, Chimamanda Adichie's, use of sensory details, imagery, and personification. For example, she uses imagery on page 71 when Kambili is describing evening time as "when the orange trees started to cast long, wavy shadows across the water fountain in the front yard." An example of personification is when Kambili says that Papa's love sip "burned Papa's love into me" (8). Tea can't literally burn love onto your tongue, but Kambili feels strongly about her love for dad and this expresses it greatly. These literary devices used in this novel make Kambili's story more dramatic and impactful on the readers to get the theme across.


  1. It's sad to see Kambili getting judged by others at school. I liked how you explained the effects of literary devices to the novel. I found some of her uses of figurative language as well.


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